A meaningful fraternal unity and organizational
maturity among concerned members of the ALPHA KAPPA RHO from different chapters and councils is a compelling necessity. A
courageous exploration and an open invitation are imperative to the formation of a real, strong and united brotherhood organization.
shall be going into visitations and negotiations to find out and explore what is good for our combined groups and councils.
We shall strike an acceptable formula on how to work together for a valid cause.
Skeptron principles should be our
anchor and not personalities. Our common welfare should be the basis of our unification towards the launching of a strong
and united AKP. The criterion that is important now is how best we can serve our fraternal interest and our members and not
for our own personal interests.
Some issues that we are facing today are the widespread silence of our alumni, lack
of funds and the necessity of it to finance our projects, the burgeoning disenchantment of students to the fraternities, the
general image of fraternities as a troublesome organization and other problems confronting us today.
Until we can address
and solve these fundamental issues we will not be a real, strong and united organization.
Fighting these problems effectively
will require the launching of an authentic, moral and courageous transformation and a more focus reformation of our present
systems, policies, rules, characters and lifestyles.
One of the foremost prescriptions and solutions is to install
a mechanism that will promote the twin values of accountability and transparency. Accountability means that a position
in the organization is a position of member's trust and officers of the organization should account for their actions to the
general memberships.
Transparency on the other hand, implies recognition and respect for every member's rights to know
about the affairs of the organization and the actions and behavior of their officers. It implies the existence of a requirement
of disclosing such activities to the members.
And the members should not be passive and just lazily wait for its disclosures
from the officers of the organization. We must be extra vigilant to seek such information --- that will institute measures
that will enhance "oversight" over the organization and its officers. The members must be provided with information that will
identify exactly the particular officers who are to be accountable and with clear standards on how to judge their performance.
all these efforts to enhance transparency and accountability, the ALUMNI definitely play an important role. Alumni must report
to the general memberships the norms and accountability of their officers with utmost accuracy and responsibility.
must never allow itself to be used by unscrupulous officers and individuals whose very activities they should be exposing.
the promotion of good governance is a matter of systems reform. In this regard, it is necessary to simplify and make more
transparent and consistent the policy and regulatory environment of the organization. This will reduce personal discretion
and interpretation, thereby also reducing opportunities for fund embezzlement and corruption.
Improving governance
and fighting fund embezzlement and corruption is a long term endeavor that should involve all members of the organization.
Those reforms should touch and mould the member's minds, particularly the young. Thus, our schools chapters and the alumni
should inoculate in the hearts and minds of student members and the general memberships that holding a position in the organization
is indeed a privilege and member's trusts. His true allegiance is to his members, his community, his country, and must be
God fearing and must be morally fit.
Respectfully submitted,
BROD JEDI Former Grand Skeptron National
University Chapter Sampaloc, Manila NASAP Founding Member